Well, yesterday was the first time I got to go out anywhere for at least 3 weeks. My job doesn't really allow me to do much of anything, so it was nice to see some outside thgings for a change. Went to Salem, MA with Stigmata4you and wandered around there for a few hours. Then went back to his place for a while and I got to burn the Motorhead box set from my friend, Meg
(thanks, Meg). Then I just hung around for a bit while everyone else was building character for a game of vampire they were going to play (I don't do vampire, cause all role playing games like that are kinda silly, if you ask me). After that, I tried to drive home, but was greeted to a couple hundred marathon runners and a roadblock on the street I needed to take to get home
So I had to drive all the way around the other side of town just so I could go home, and go to SLEEP!
Well, that'll about do it for now. Laterness.

Lots of good geeks up here.
hmm, roleplaying...