OK, it's been about nine years, time for an update.
Sadly, though, nothing's been happening. To be honest, I've been an uber grouch lately, probably cause of that wretched holidy when a bunch of people got massacred is coming up this week.
This should be the end of my nasty attitude though. Right up till then I am a DISGUSTING creature to be reckoned with. I hate romance, love, all that mushy stuff. I gave it up a looooooong way back, and I'm not looking to make a comeback any time.....ever.I'm not putting it down for everybody else, though. If you're in love, married, whatever, I'm happy for you, I wish you all the best of luck. But for me, I'm gonna just be a monk minus his monastary.
I've heard tell of there being somebody out there for everyone, well, I gotta tell ya, I feel SORRY for the one for me
cause she's gonna have to get on without me. Romance....HAH!!!

oh don't be sorry for the one for you. i'm not sorry just jealous.