Ok, to those of you who know me really well (or those of you that were there), wrap your minds around this. Remember when I was in karate for all those years, and I just up and left when I was so close to getting my black belt? Well, I've come to a decision; I'm going to go back and train for my black belt. I'm tired of being "a red belt, two steps from black" instead of a first degree black belt. I've decided that I worked too hard to let it go to waste, so I'm going to put down some hard-earned and train for a couple of years and get something I've wanted since I was fucking twelve. Besides, I need to get in shape anyway, I've gotten a little too fat and flabby for my own taste, so getting my teeth knocked in oughta whip me in shape.
Lemme know what you think.

thanks for the sweet comment!

Go train some JuJitsu, Judo or Thai Kickboxing. It will get you in much better shape.. and will provide you with more useful tools in the realm of combatatives or fighting.