Now that we've caught Saddam Hussein, what's next? I'll TELL you what's next, "WHo wants to be president of Iraq? Hey Gallagher and Gary Coleman!! Still sore aobut losing the election for governor of California? Here's your chance to out-do Ah-nold. Ok, maybe not, but it'd be fun, anyway. I've decided I'm quitting my job, I just need another one lined up first. I'm tired of having no energy, or life to speak of. While everyone else is out with their boyfriends and girlfriends, having fun, drinking, etc., I'm in a grocery store putting cans on shelves until 8 a.m. I'm fucking sick of it!! RRRRRR!!!
Ok, enough of that, time for sleep. Night.

sorry you are having a rough time with work. it can be really draining. i'm sure you will find something soon!

I'll tell you that I bought a copy of Weekly world news that had a picture of Saddam in a ballerina suit........and about some gay sex videos they found of him. a good time had by all..