Man, oh man...since I got the new tattoo, I'm practically chaining myself to the wall in order to stop myself from selling my car and going out and getting my sleeve done at long last. Not to worry, I'm putting it down as a New Year's Resolution, cause I REEEEALLY can't afford it right now. In other news, I'm still sick, getting worse actually, but I should be feeling better by probably thursday, cause that's usually how it goes for me. Multitasking right now, I'm typing this entry, eating a rice krispies treat, and watching Phantasm on DVD. Ahh....the classics, how I love them. Suddenly, I'm filled with the urge to go pull out Rocky and watch that after. Well, maybe tomorrow, I actually have to work tonight, so I'll needs me some sleep at some point. Night, all!!

But they're oh so very nice... *drool*