Ok, got the DKM on my chest, and I must tell you; I AM IN A WORLD OF PAIN!!!!! I have no regrets, and I'm completely happy with how it came out(beautifully, I may add), but man....it hurt like hell. I keep forgetting how much it hurts getting ink in a REEEEALLY boney place like your chest below the clavicle. To all those of you wondering, I'll add some pics tomorrow, tonight, I'm gonna just chill and rub bacitracin into my chest (oooooooooh :blush
. On a slightly darker note, I was awoken yesterday to my brother and father both SCREAMING at the top of their lungs. I figured they were just arguing, but, no. The dogs were having a fucking royal rumble, and Waylon ( the cute, and bigger one) attacked Annabelle (the cute, and slightly smaller one). Waylon turned out to be ok, Annabelle, on the other hand, has a cut around one of her nails, and the padding on her paw is slightly coming off (OUCH!!). Poor baby, I hope she's ok soon
. Peace out, my friends.

hope your doggies get to feeling better. yep, chest pieces hurt like a bitch. but it's so worth it!

do your dogs fight often?