OK, my friend and I swallowed our pride yesterday, and actually wnet into a mall. Now I don't know about you, but we have some of the lamest, and most pathetic motherfuckers out there, and they all seem to instinctively go rrrrright to the mall. So, as we're walking around, making fun of all the punk wannabe's, I suddenly had one of my really great ideas. This is for a website I REALLY wanna make. It's called "malltrash.com" what I'm gonna do, is go out to malls all around New England, maybe even the country, if I can find the funds, and take pictures of random people, and just come up with random stories and facts about the different types and breeds of mall trash people. This is gonna be fuuuuuuun

however, i go to the mall. why? well to visit the puppies at the little pet store dealy. but i have a soul i promise
side note: i'd like to see pictures of your dogs.
[Edited on Nov 11, 2003 7:41PM]