So I made a huge decision today That will hopefully change my life in many positive ways, I've decided that on the first of the year i will be on a bus to a random place when i reach said random point i will begin to walk i will hitch hike to wherever i can get to, along the way i will only be equipped...
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wink You're gonna have so much fun! biggrin
Sometimes i don't really know why i feel the way i do. I was fine up until about 20 minutes ago and the oh so familiar sense of sadness hit me from nowhere. I just don't get it, i guess it's most likely due to the fact that i once again began to reminisce about the past and it's so weird i know it'll hurt...
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I liked your post on CE... It was very passionate... Not the place though, but great none the less...

I am a broken doll
My arms and legs
Strewn across the room
Will they fit
Are my pieces even the right ones
Have i been deceived
Am I really me
Am i but a shadow of my true self


hi! ^^
Gosh, you look intact in your photo?? confused

I feel horrible right now, i recently moved into an apartment with some friends and i have made one new friend. Her name is Jen she is 19 and has been through so much. She recently found out she is pregnant, she can't tell the guy because they aren't together anymore. She lives with her ex next door, and he is controlling. Tonight he yelled...
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i think i have a disease and it appears to be terminal its call just a friend itis, and every girl i have ever had a feeling for always thinks of me as the friend guy and it sucks i mean i go out on a limb to help people and i try to be very blatant when i flirt but it never gets to...
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Do a barrel roll!
i tried that once and it ended in disaster
Epic Futures Upon Us All?

It is at this moment everything we want is so close to our lips, the sweet scent newly upon our nostrils, and the fervor silently rages within us, with these times come great change and an even greater chance to touch those around us. In these times we as people must reach hard for what we want and when we...
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hey guess what i am no longer unemployed so yayyy for me im so happy i get to be a "productive member of society" aka a frieken register chimp at winn-dixie but the money is decent for my first real job and i get to move into my apartment soon so me and my roommates get to set this town ablaze which should be cool

So i just found out i may be moving to utah for 5 months and thats pretty exciting that mean i get to see Mormons and the like so thats cool. The job pays well and i think when its over ill be traveling the us and go wherever. So people who read this that means i may see you so...
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so this is my first blog on SG i'm really excited actually i have been a fan for a long time and its cool that i finally get to actively participate in the SG community. As i just stated i have been a fan for a long time and its cool to actually be able to look around at all the different sets and be...
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