I'm not very happy right now. My wife's out of town until Saturday, and has been since Sunday, so I'm fucking lonely. I miss her so much. I've been in training all week at work, and my head asplode. The dog destroyed the hallway carpet in one day while I was gone, so now I have to crate him and rush home at lunch to let him out instead of enjoying my leisurely hour-long lunch at work. I gave the ferrets baths tonight, and noticed that Callidia's fur is falling out on the tip of her tail to the point where the very tip is practically bald. My first thought was "adrenal disease", but I've been doing some reading, and it may just be seasonal shedding or blackheads. Adrenal disease hair loss on the tail typically starts at the base of the tail, not the tip. Anyway, if it spreads any more or beyond her tail I'll know she needs the vet. There are only a few diseases that cause major hair loss in ferrets, and none of them are pleasant. Adrenal disease isn't even fatal in and of itself, but it massively degrades their lifespan and quality of life.
On top of that, I got pissed off and quit my guild in World of Warcraft tonight when some guildies were openly discussing their suspicion -- based on nothing -- that a friend and guildmate I've known for more than a year on there was just "making up a story" about his best friend getting into a horrible car accident last night to "get attention". This friend had signed on briefly this afternoon to tell everyone why he hadn't been on in a few days, and to ask everyone for their prayers and good thoughts. Then he signed off. When I stuck up for him, they started ragging on me for my feeling that some of the people I've met in WoW are "real" friends even though we've never met. So fuck them.
And even more on top of that, Rebecca (my wife) is mad at me because I was such a downer when she called home last night and I was a total buzzkill. She calls home all happy, having a great time where she's at and not worried about a thing, and I've got this litany of misery that just burst her bubble. Probably because I'm a dick and was pissed off that she was so happy while I was miserable. Also sort of mad that she was more upset at me for "harshing her mellow" than sympathetic of what I was dealing with. She's been borrowing her friend's cellphone to call me, and I called it tonight to ask her to call me, but she hasn't yet.
I'm ready for this week to be over and normal life to resume again.
On top of that, I got pissed off and quit my guild in World of Warcraft tonight when some guildies were openly discussing their suspicion -- based on nothing -- that a friend and guildmate I've known for more than a year on there was just "making up a story" about his best friend getting into a horrible car accident last night to "get attention". This friend had signed on briefly this afternoon to tell everyone why he hadn't been on in a few days, and to ask everyone for their prayers and good thoughts. Then he signed off. When I stuck up for him, they started ragging on me for my feeling that some of the people I've met in WoW are "real" friends even though we've never met. So fuck them.
And even more on top of that, Rebecca (my wife) is mad at me because I was such a downer when she called home last night and I was a total buzzkill. She calls home all happy, having a great time where she's at and not worried about a thing, and I've got this litany of misery that just burst her bubble. Probably because I'm a dick and was pissed off that she was so happy while I was miserable. Also sort of mad that she was more upset at me for "harshing her mellow" than sympathetic of what I was dealing with. She's been borrowing her friend's cellphone to call me, and I called it tonight to ask her to call me, but she hasn't yet.
I'm ready for this week to be over and normal life to resume again.
makes me sick really.
poor ferret.