Hey SG hope everyone is doing good. My sanity is starting to slip away as my in-laws are still here, they snow bird with us for too long if you ask me. I literally have to walk away or my non filtered mouth will create a shit storm and no one has that kind of time. Like old ass nosy people.
in other news looking back at my pics on here I didn’t have near the tattoos I have now. It’s crazy to think my next one is in a few weeks and I’m going balls to the wall and having the back of my head tattooed. Having alopecia has really done a number and I’m saying fuck it and doing what I want and not hiding under wigs anymore.
not too much is happening, I did complete another trip around the sun and let me just say getting old really does suck BUT at least I am living to see another day each day my eyes open. Getting to see my kids become respectable humans to society and make me proud. I guess that’s about it for my rambling I shall leave with a more recent selfie