Ahhh what a weekend......kinda lazy actually. Not that I can really be, but I put off cutting the grass and swimming laps yesterday and today
opps! I havn't really had a vacation all summer so that's my excuse. I'll get new tires and cut the grass tomorrow
No, honest I will.....I swear.
Friday went to a white party at the gay bar, lots of people, very hot inside, $2 bacardi drinks/shots that weren't to bad.
Sat. went over my work schedule and went to the bank.....exciting huh?? Then me and Nave went to see Skeleton Key, movie was ok nothing overly great but ok...I had fun.
Then we got back to my house and watched a couple bad movies ('80's mostly) and a bad porn.
So all this morning I've just been fuckin around online.......mostly looking at piercing info. I think I want to get left and right conch piercings. But I wanted to do some research on it first. I'm thinking of doing it next week as I have to keep my head out of the water for about 2 weeks, but I also want to talk to the guy that did my other piercings before I do it because I have read about a bunch of problems with them. And I have a break from getting in the pool around the end of oct. so I'm starting to look into another tattoo already
Yeah I'm addicted! I love it!
Anyway.......I gotta go clean carpet and then maybe bake some cookies, then back to the drawing board!

Friday went to a white party at the gay bar, lots of people, very hot inside, $2 bacardi drinks/shots that weren't to bad.
Sat. went over my work schedule and went to the bank.....exciting huh?? Then me and Nave went to see Skeleton Key, movie was ok nothing overly great but ok...I had fun.

So all this morning I've just been fuckin around online.......mostly looking at piercing info. I think I want to get left and right conch piercings. But I wanted to do some research on it first. I'm thinking of doing it next week as I have to keep my head out of the water for about 2 weeks, but I also want to talk to the guy that did my other piercings before I do it because I have read about a bunch of problems with them. And I have a break from getting in the pool around the end of oct. so I'm starting to look into another tattoo already

Anyway.......I gotta go clean carpet and then maybe bake some cookies, then back to the drawing board!

oh you better not get nervous and not get pierced!