No Kira is not the roommate that woke me up the other morning. Neither is Phrogbouy. That was a referance to my roommate who no longer lives here as of yesterday.
Yea!!! I couldn't take any more of her
Anyway.......I had to clarify that because I was told there was some confusion.
Well work (or the pool) is closed till Oct. now......I still have some work though so money isn't a big problem and I'm glad to get a bit of a break.
Anyone who is a memeber of the Detroit group should come out to the Piercing Party!

Anyway.......I had to clarify that because I was told there was some confusion.

Well work (or the pool) is closed till Oct. now......I still have some work though so money isn't a big problem and I'm glad to get a bit of a break.
Anyone who is a memeber of the Detroit group should come out to the Piercing Party!

I plan to make it to the party...hopefully I can afford to get some things pierced!

Just dropping a message to everyone who's expressed interest and/or has said they are coming up north... just a reminder that it's this coming Thursday-Sunday... feel free to send me an e-mail if you want more information or just check out the Thread in the SGKalamazoo group... hope to see you up there