Still on the coffee kick.......just finished my second cup of the day ( woke up at 3:00 for those confused by that).
For any of you that live in Michigan.....Did you know that you have to drive through Milford when going directly from Oak Park to Ann Arbor????
Neither did I but we did when a certain some one driving went north on SOUTH Hill Road. Just cuz a sign says south dosen't mean that's the direction you are going. Not that it wasn't fun gotta
washboard dirt roads.
Moral of the story we ended up at the Rasputina concert
Fucking Awesome, as in that's all I'm gonna say cus that's all I can say.
them!!! I think almost every concert should be held at small intimate venues.
Rest of the weekend is work, work, work.....
For any of you that live in Michigan.....Did you know that you have to drive through Milford when going directly from Oak Park to Ann Arbor????

Moral of the story we ended up at the Rasputina concert

Rest of the weekend is work, work, work.....

tonight? i dunno. hang with friends.
tommorrow? clean house. then maybe go to Sabine's house and hang out.
a lot of nothing since i'm broker then a joke.
you should update girl!
have a good weekend ok!?? drink some for me..cuz I'll be drinking lots for you! hahaha.