work was cancled til tomorrow......long story
not sure whether to be happy or sad since I still get the hours.
Ah well........I'm off to do my hair
Correction to the above........What it really means when I say I still get the hours is that I have to work longer today

Ah well........I'm off to do my hair

Correction to the above........What it really means when I say I still get the hours is that I have to work longer today

Let's see, I was a park ranger at Shenandoah National Park in Virgniia. I went to London because, well, because I spent my junior year studying at the Uni of Reading, which is an suburb of London, and I was still very nostalgic about it, and I had just spent 6 months working for decent money with limited expenses (I lived in gov't housing and they did this awesome thing where they only charge you rent for what your portion would be if the house was full, so I lived in a three-bedroom house in the woods for three months by myself and three months with one roommate who I adored and I think my rent+utlilities was something like $196 a month. Maybe it was a little but more than that, but anyway, I had some money saved, so I decided to go to London for a month. Plus one of my bfs from college was at the London School of Economics at the time getting her masters, so I had an insta friend and a floor to sleep on once I got sick of the hostel.
what exactly do you do? I think you've told me, but...I know you're real estate, but you're not actually, like, a seller of houses, are you? Like Annette Benning in American Beauty?