"I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it."
Rita Mae Brown
This week has been......well.....interesting. However I managed two calls from jobs in Chicago
Now I just have to figure out some travel arrangements since I have picked up a ton of hours at the Y over the next two weeks so I may have to wait till mid-march. We'll see what I can work out.
Hmmmm I have some other things to say but I need a glass of soda and to do my hair and try to go to bed or rather sleep which won't happen easily cuz I dread getting up......
Rita Mae Brown
This week has been......well.....interesting. However I managed two calls from jobs in Chicago
Hmmmm I have some other things to say but I need a glass of soda and to do my hair and try to go to bed or rather sleep which won't happen easily cuz I dread getting up......
sent it!
oh i am so dumb (well actually sleepy and i got a cold
- you already have this picture....sorry i did not send it right away!!!