Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes
Yeah I know that was like two weeks ago.......
I've just been doing a lot of crap since then. Mistressmissy and EvanX had a wonderful BBQ on Memorial weekend that had great food and a really good turn out. I finally got a day off........Memorial day and I just spent the last three days packing, moving and unpacking. Now most (95%) of all that is done. Just some loose ends to tie up at the old place and lots of cleaning todo. However that is all going to have to wait till tomorrow as Nave, Bluedogdays and I are about to head to Motor City PRIDE in a couple of ours here.
In other bank pissed me off because THEY over drew my account due to a computer error so I have to take care of that tomorrow
However I do love my new place so all will be good.

I've just been doing a lot of crap since then. Mistressmissy and EvanX had a wonderful BBQ on Memorial weekend that had great food and a really good turn out. I finally got a day off........Memorial day and I just spent the last three days packing, moving and unpacking. Now most (95%) of all that is done. Just some loose ends to tie up at the old place and lots of cleaning todo. However that is all going to have to wait till tomorrow as Nave, Bluedogdays and I are about to head to Motor City PRIDE in a couple of ours here.
In other bank pissed me off because THEY over drew my account due to a computer error so I have to take care of that tomorrow

Congrats on the new place, you should come to my party