So I think I got food poisoning or something on sat. night. I spend the early hours of sunday morning and most of the day sunday

it SUCKED!! On top of which my tounge was swollen and my mouth itched

Very wierd and very bad. So I spent sunday curled up in bed with my cat watching L&O CI and then the girl went compleatly out of her way home from the birthday party to stop by and check on me

Eventually I got food in me and I'm now feeling better (minus the lack of sugar for my coffee and the dull ache from so much heaving). However Necto will cure all that tonight......even though I won't be drinking in excess.

So yeah that was the majority of my weekend. Minus the meeting I had in A2 on Sat. am

borring shit......
Well I's got a busy week so I'm gonna go get started on it
And thank Nave for me too!