HaHa Kira was trying to be sneaky and tag me to fill this out........little did she know half way through it I was already planing on it..........
1) Was 2005 a good year for you?
-> Yeah, it was just kind of there more or less. It had it's moments of goodness though.
2) What was your favorite moment of the year?
-> There isn't one but a lot of very good small moments. Like meeting awesome SGchicago peeps, traveling by train, my tattoo, finding an awesome roommate, working outside all summer. You get it.
3) What was your least favorite moment of the year?
-> Spending too much money on Job interviews in Chicago and when I started the year working in Real Estate.
4) Where were you when 2005 began?
-> Up north at Mrniceguys cabin.
5) Who were you with?
-> Mrniceguy, italianpenguin, APT, pebbles, Oni, sorcha, syh, bartelbe (sp?), serendipity007, Mariothemonkey and few of mrniceguys nonsg friends.
6) Where will you be when 2005 ends?
->Back up at the cabin.......yeah it was a shitload of fun last year!
7) Who will you be with when 2005 ends?
-> Most of the people mentioned above and few others.
8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2005?
-> I don't think I made one.
9) Do you have a new years resolution for 2006?
-> Nope.
10) Did you fall in love in 2005?
-> No love just some crushes.......
11) If yes who?
-> HaHa I'm pictureing all four of them right now
12) If yes, do they know?
-> I doubt it..............
14) You regret it?
-> Never.........No regrets ever just learning experiances
15) Did you breakup with anyone in 2005?
-> Um kinda hard to do when you didn't date anyone. But I did have to let a frieds down who was pursuing me.....
16) Did you make any new friends in 2005?
-> YUP
17) Who are your favorite new friends?
-> Hmm, kira, kelli, olsen........
18) What was your favorite month of 2005?
-> didn't have one......
19) Did you travel outside of the US in 2005?
-> HaHa nope, last years trip to europe is all for awhile.
20) How many different states did you travel to in 2005?
-> Ohio and Illinois
21) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
-> Not that I know of.......
22) Did you miss anybody in the past year?
-> Yup, Sara but I got an email from here yesterday.....and my bestfriend who is away at school.
23) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
-> I really liked Lemmony Snickets (sp?)
24) What was your favorite song from 2005?
-> Don't have one
25) What was your favorite record from 2005?
-> Record??? Are we still calling them this?
26) How many concerts did you see in 2005?
-> Rasputina and Ani
27) Did you have a favorite concert in 2005?
-> Um yeah both of the above were funing awesome
28) Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2005?
-> More then my share
29) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2005?
-> Just OTC stuff for the occational cold
30) What kind?
-> um nightquyl, zycam and tylenol cold
31) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
-> Nope
33) What was the worst lie someone told you in 2005?
-> That I was getting my raise in Aug. when in fact they lost the paperwork so it won't go through till Jan.
34) Did you treat somebody badly in 2005?
-> I hope not.
35) Did somebody treat you badly in 2005?
-> Nothing comes to mind so probably not
36) How much money did you spend in 2005?
-> Thousands........literaly
37) What was your proudest moment of 2005?
-> Getting a better paying job and an internship for Jan.
38) What was your most embarrising moment of 2005?
-> If there was one I have long since forgot it.
39) If you could go back in time to any moment of 2005 and change something, what would it be?
-> I would have asked the questions I had last Jan and not kept my mouth shut. That and I would have applied to crabrook for work sooner.
40) What are your plans for 2006?
-> Keep up with my swimming while working and doing my internship........we'll see from there
I'm tagging:
Agentofoblivion, Sorcha, LadyDoom &Nalar
1) Was 2005 a good year for you?
-> Yeah, it was just kind of there more or less. It had it's moments of goodness though.
2) What was your favorite moment of the year?
-> There isn't one but a lot of very good small moments. Like meeting awesome SGchicago peeps, traveling by train, my tattoo, finding an awesome roommate, working outside all summer. You get it.
3) What was your least favorite moment of the year?
-> Spending too much money on Job interviews in Chicago and when I started the year working in Real Estate.
4) Where were you when 2005 began?
-> Up north at Mrniceguys cabin.
5) Who were you with?
-> Mrniceguy, italianpenguin, APT, pebbles, Oni, sorcha, syh, bartelbe (sp?), serendipity007, Mariothemonkey and few of mrniceguys nonsg friends.
6) Where will you be when 2005 ends?
->Back up at the cabin.......yeah it was a shitload of fun last year!
7) Who will you be with when 2005 ends?
-> Most of the people mentioned above and few others.
8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2005?
-> I don't think I made one.
9) Do you have a new years resolution for 2006?
-> Nope.
10) Did you fall in love in 2005?
-> No love just some crushes.......
11) If yes who?
-> HaHa I'm pictureing all four of them right now

12) If yes, do they know?
-> I doubt it..............
14) You regret it?
-> Never.........No regrets ever just learning experiances
15) Did you breakup with anyone in 2005?
-> Um kinda hard to do when you didn't date anyone. But I did have to let a frieds down who was pursuing me.....
16) Did you make any new friends in 2005?
-> YUP
17) Who are your favorite new friends?
-> Hmm, kira, kelli, olsen........
18) What was your favorite month of 2005?
-> didn't have one......
19) Did you travel outside of the US in 2005?
-> HaHa nope, last years trip to europe is all for awhile.
20) How many different states did you travel to in 2005?
-> Ohio and Illinois
21) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
-> Not that I know of.......
22) Did you miss anybody in the past year?
-> Yup, Sara but I got an email from here yesterday.....and my bestfriend who is away at school.
23) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
-> I really liked Lemmony Snickets (sp?)
24) What was your favorite song from 2005?
-> Don't have one
25) What was your favorite record from 2005?
-> Record??? Are we still calling them this?
26) How many concerts did you see in 2005?
-> Rasputina and Ani
27) Did you have a favorite concert in 2005?
-> Um yeah both of the above were funing awesome
28) Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2005?
-> More then my share

29) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2005?
-> Just OTC stuff for the occational cold
30) What kind?
-> um nightquyl, zycam and tylenol cold
31) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
-> Nope
33) What was the worst lie someone told you in 2005?
-> That I was getting my raise in Aug. when in fact they lost the paperwork so it won't go through till Jan.
34) Did you treat somebody badly in 2005?
-> I hope not.
35) Did somebody treat you badly in 2005?
-> Nothing comes to mind so probably not
36) How much money did you spend in 2005?
-> Thousands........literaly
37) What was your proudest moment of 2005?
-> Getting a better paying job and an internship for Jan.
38) What was your most embarrising moment of 2005?
-> If there was one I have long since forgot it.
39) If you could go back in time to any moment of 2005 and change something, what would it be?
-> I would have asked the questions I had last Jan and not kept my mouth shut. That and I would have applied to crabrook for work sooner.
40) What are your plans for 2006?
-> Keep up with my swimming while working and doing my internship........we'll see from there

I'm tagging:
Agentofoblivion, Sorcha, LadyDoom &Nalar
How many of you are going up to the cabin for this new years?