Hey look how bored I am!!! It's 5 am and I'm updating. I can't sleep. I think I'm suppose to work tomorrow from 12 to 2 but I think I'm done with that job (well childwatch and preschool) anyway. I'm having a sudden urge to get back into horses a bit. I just happened across an ad in the paper tonight and I might call them tomorrow and email an old instructor of mine. I just can't bring myself to do a desk job, it's not me. I've tried and tried but I'm not gonna fool myself. I need a new job (I know I just started a new one, which I will keep) but I mean something a bit more full time. I don't know.........I miss my horses.
I also still want to move, I know there are jobs in Chi. but I still need to save money I kinda drained myself the last couple months buying a new car and all. So I'll have to see how the next year goes. Come first of the year I'm gonna start saving again.
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was faily uneventful. Kinda of a bit depressing. I was pretty much the only one under thirty there.......all my cousins are married and went elsewhere, my brother only showed up for about and hour. So I ended up hanging out with my two of my second cousins and their fiance (s) and my second cousin who live out in wisconson with her "friend". Wow how exciting! Way to go I'm like the only one in my family over the age of 18 that isn't married or attached. Not that I personally care or that it appears strange it's just depressing in a wierd way. Again
Other then that........Turkey was good, potatos were good, stuffing was good ect.........Tomorrow it's off to my parents to have dinner for my grandmas b'day. Sat. we're getting the x-mas tree (yes I get a real one.....deal with it)
and sunday I have to work! But that's at the good job so I don't mind.
Monday........hmm maybe Necto or I might head to this coffee house I've been meaning to go to.

I also still want to move, I know there are jobs in Chi. but I still need to save money I kinda drained myself the last couple months buying a new car and all. So I'll have to see how the next year goes. Come first of the year I'm gonna start saving again.
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was faily uneventful. Kinda of a bit depressing. I was pretty much the only one under thirty there.......all my cousins are married and went elsewhere, my brother only showed up for about and hour. So I ended up hanging out with my two of my second cousins and their fiance (s) and my second cousin who live out in wisconson with her "friend". Wow how exciting! Way to go I'm like the only one in my family over the age of 18 that isn't married or attached. Not that I personally care or that it appears strange it's just depressing in a wierd way. Again

Other then that........Turkey was good, potatos were good, stuffing was good ect.........Tomorrow it's off to my parents to have dinner for my grandmas b'day. Sat. we're getting the x-mas tree (yes I get a real one.....deal with it)

Monday........hmm maybe Necto or I might head to this coffee house I've been meaning to go to.

Although, the talented and wonderful Scorcha is supposed to hook me up with a potential job if she can. Fingahz is crossed, yo.