Yeah........I have a lot to say about a lot but I'm still bitting my tounge. However I will say this........apparently independat thinking had been thrown out the window by some, for others it is better if you just keep your mouth shut when you have ill motives, the majority of people have a twisted and illogical way of thinking.
Went to the Art Fair on... Read More
Yeah.........I know a month since my update It's just it takes me 10 mins. just to load SG with this new site so I'm on here 2 times a week instead of two times a day GRRRRR. It's ok though cuz I'm keepin busy. Got a job with two local school district and one may go to a full time director position in a... Read More
Shit. Somethings came up and i wont be able to go on friday, or at all this year. im sorry cause i really wanted to go with you guys. have lots of fun though.
Yeah.... the site looks nice, but it's a pain in the ass to get around. Don't get me started on the friends page. I just click like fucking crazy and wait to see a name pop up at the top of the screen.
I'll be hitting Necto lots in the next month or so because I have a Tuesday morning class this semester, and that's only four weeks away.
Why is there a need for a homepage and a profile page that look identical? I don't get it........... In other news, ANI this Friday!!!! I can't wait There have been these wonderful thunderstorms here all day, it's awesome I love it........the cat however doesn't share the same opinon, she just came out from under the bed. Nothing else overly exciting, work is going, been... Read More
It took a while to get used to it, but I agree... it's far too complicated and rather inefficient. And lots of redundant shit too. How's everything going with you?
Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes Yeah I know that was like two weeks ago.......
I've just been doing a lot of crap since then. Mistressmissy and EvanX had a wonderful BBQ on Memorial weekend that had great food and a really good turn out. I finally got a day off........Memorial day and I just spent the last three days packing, moving and... Read More
So I think I got food poisoning or something on sat. night. I spend the early hours of sunday morning and most of the day sunday it SUCKED!! On top of which my tounge was swollen and my mouth itched Very wierd and very bad. So I spent sunday curled up in bed with my cat watching L&O CI and then the girl went compleatly... Read More
<----Look! New Picture! HaHa.......That's the best you're getting for now
Weekend was good....kinda just there work, cleaning (bathroom is done), mom day lunch/dinner the usual. No more work on weekends for a long time (as far as I know). Next weekend I have to be in a2 on sat. and then a friends b'day party with the girl. Following weekend in EvanX and mistressmissy's... Read More
Thank God these last two weekends are OVER! I took (and passed ) another aquatic certification course. 8 to 5 sat. and sun. with about 5 hours of pool time each day. ZZZZZZZz now I wanna sleep, well I want to eat first and then sleep. All to get more pay...........haha we'll see.
No other news, camera still full of remodle pictures. To tired to... Read More