Hey guys so its been a while since i last wrote and I apologise.
So whats new with Keiko?
- I am a fully qualified piercer and im loving it so much I love learning how to do new piercings and really want to do some more unusual piercings but unfortuantly most of our customers just want the same things! miro came into my studio and got her Madeusa pierced
-I am currently in SKINZ magazine which is based in AMERICA. However it is not sold in the UK.
So I have a MASSIVE favour to ask.
Pretty please could one of my american friends on here buy me a copy and send it over to me in the UK and in EXCHANGE I will send you a signed print of any of my pictures from my sets or any of my modelling pics from my blogs. Its entirely up to you and I will send it over too you as a thank you
If you could help me out can you please send me a PM.
Here is the Mag :-

- I did an a massive photoshoot yesterday which lasted all day and night and by the end of it I was a shaking mess! I had only had 3 hours sleep and was hungover to fuck (yes i know thats my own fault and I cant moan about it!) also I didnt eat all frigging day. BUT I worked my ass off and tried not to show I was dying inside! I only shot this yesterday but I got pictures back already! I love my photographer!
We did some really different styles for me which was nice

Hope you guys all had an awsome Christmas I was lucky enough to be able to go home and see my family (which is about 5 hours away on the train) and my boyfriend came with me which was even better! It was his first time having christmas in England!

Much love to y''all im off
So whats new with Keiko?
- I am a fully qualified piercer and im loving it so much I love learning how to do new piercings and really want to do some more unusual piercings but unfortuantly most of our customers just want the same things! miro came into my studio and got her Madeusa pierced


-I am currently in SKINZ magazine which is based in AMERICA. However it is not sold in the UK.
So I have a MASSIVE favour to ask.
Pretty please could one of my american friends on here buy me a copy and send it over to me in the UK and in EXCHANGE I will send you a signed print of any of my pictures from my sets or any of my modelling pics from my blogs. Its entirely up to you and I will send it over too you as a thank you

Here is the Mag :-

- I did an a massive photoshoot yesterday which lasted all day and night and by the end of it I was a shaking mess! I had only had 3 hours sleep and was hungover to fuck (yes i know thats my own fault and I cant moan about it!) also I didnt eat all frigging day. BUT I worked my ass off and tried not to show I was dying inside! I only shot this yesterday but I got pictures back already! I love my photographer!
We did some really different styles for me which was nice

Hope you guys all had an awsome Christmas I was lucky enough to be able to go home and see my family (which is about 5 hours away on the train) and my boyfriend came with me which was even better! It was his first time having christmas in England!

Much love to y''all im off
you and your boyfriend looks so happy and perfect together
amazing body...
I'll be in london from tomorrow...
could we meet?