Settling into the new apartment in going slow, but ok. I still don't know how we are going to cram a 2 bedroom townhouse into a tiny 1 bedroom. Ah well, it'll come together eventually, I suppose.
I'm making new friends, so that's exciting. And possibly I will take a Hip-hop class on Saturdays. My new friend Lauren wants to join me. Fun fun!
I'm watching Lost in Translation on my super new cable system where I get like a million channels. Loving it!
AND...I decided to just pay someone to make my website, since I've been unable to do it myself. Will finally be up by the end of October just in time for my big write-up in Knit 1 Magazine!! I'm so gonna be famous....
I'm making new friends, so that's exciting. And possibly I will take a Hip-hop class on Saturdays. My new friend Lauren wants to join me. Fun fun!

I'm watching Lost in Translation on my super new cable system where I get like a million channels. Loving it!
AND...I decided to just pay someone to make my website, since I've been unable to do it myself. Will finally be up by the end of October just in time for my big write-up in Knit 1 Magazine!! I'm so gonna be famous....