so. i wasted the day again. i think i'm sinking a bit back into depression. it's weird because i definitely consider myself to be a positive person. i mean, i am happy with life even though it sucks most of the time. but for the first time in my life i finally felt like i had a job i loved. and so suddenly, so sadly, it has turned so so crappy. and i'm going to have to quit it soon. AND i am actually spreading the word about my unhappiness at work. why? i'm not sure. i know it's not usually a good thing to do that. i guess that when i get so upset about something like this, i just have to let everyone know about it because i can't keep it to myself. plus, maybe subconsciously, i want them to fire me so i don't have to go there anymore and i can just file for unemployment since they have no valid reason to let me go. i work my ass off there so to me, there's no reason i should be treated so poorly. ah, fuck 'em.
today's my day off, i was off saturday and sunday, went to work yesterday, and now i sit again. usually i dig the days off all by each other, but it's starting to drive me insane
wheredo you work? what kind of stuff do you freelance?
yeah ive been slipping into a depression myself lately. Im trying to write it off as winter blahs, but i think its cuz i get lonely during the week. At least im thanksful for my busy busy weekends.