So...Snow sucks. I am going to be getting a new tattoo...sorta freaked out because I am gonna put it on my ribs (please note that I am a big baby). I am going to be getting Gizmo in his battle gear from Gremlins. Also in the works are are phrases......Carpe Diem....and " They laugh at me because I am different, I laugh at them because they are all the same". Haven't been about to talk to Poi Boi aka Dustin much...Why are there very few people where I live with body mods!? grr.....OH..and I now have BioShock2. First one was amazing..and please remind that playing silent hill alone in a house will cause me to scream like a rabbid chipmunk. Stupid nurses.
No one here has body mods either, so fuck them!
You don't talk to me much anymore cause I taught you everything you wanted to know! Now you have no need to talk about or to me... And you're only getting a Gizmo tat, to copy my Gremlins tattoo!! Copy cat copy cat copy cat!!! :p I forgive you I guess..