OH.I wanted to elaborate on how creepy guys can be at times....okay..he was drunk...but anyway. I was at the bar lastnight just dancing and having a good time. People kept buying me drinks, the flow was good. I finally went up to the bar to get my own drink, and this old man pokes fun at my lipring. Then he starts to pull my shirt down trying to look at my tattoos. Totally weird. I decided it was time to leave that particular bar and go to another. I was there for not even an hour and another guy drooled on me...told me his name 6 times..and continued trying to hug me until my female friend came over and said to him,"That's my girlfriend!" then she proceeded to bite my neck and dry hump my leg. The band cheered us on...it was entertaining. hahaha. Anyway I just wanted to share my night with you since stuff like that doesn't happen very often. I am usually a shut in.
that's why i run every day so i don't get fat XD
Umm, a punch to the face would give the correct message.
Glad you can laugh it off...