Whats happenin?
Same shit different day with me. Just been trying to figure out life and looking for love in all the wrong places, and trying to have fun while doing it all!
I'm currently watching a bootleg dvd of Slipknot live in Seattle from the start of the month. Its the first show of the Mayhem Festival I believe. Speaking of the Mayhem Festival, I got some nice mail a few days ago.
I found a box that I never emptied when I moved in...nothing important in it, but I found a shopping bag in the box that might be an antique?!
Does Bi-Way even exist anymore?!
I played horseshoes most of the day with some friends today.....guess the wii is good for something after all!
I had some things to complain about, but I'm not in a complaining mood so I'll save my complaints for later!
Keep On Rawkin!!
Same shit different day with me. Just been trying to figure out life and looking for love in all the wrong places, and trying to have fun while doing it all!
I'm currently watching a bootleg dvd of Slipknot live in Seattle from the start of the month. Its the first show of the Mayhem Festival I believe. Speaking of the Mayhem Festival, I got some nice mail a few days ago.

I found a box that I never emptied when I moved in...nothing important in it, but I found a shopping bag in the box that might be an antique?!

Does Bi-Way even exist anymore?!
I played horseshoes most of the day with some friends today.....guess the wii is good for something after all!
I had some things to complain about, but I'm not in a complaining mood so I'll save my complaints for later!
Keep On Rawkin!!
Bi Way went under a few years ago dude! Frame that shit! 

Hey man, did you get my invitation to our shin-dig???