Hello again!! Well I've been in Afghanistan for a few months now... it's still just the worst. BUT, I finally figured out how I can write some music while I'm here!! I don't know if I'll be able to record any vocals whilst overseas, but I have started writing music. I started of using a trial version of Mixcraft 6 and it was a good way to start, but considering it's a midi program the guitar came out sounding real arcade-y. I'll try to post the first song I wrote. I'm still working on lyrics so the titles aren't done yet. But everyone has to start somewhere. I'm excited because I ordered some real music production software called Kontakt 5 and it should be a VAST improvement in the sound quality. I also need to work on my mixing skills, because the two tracks I did came out really drum heavy. Since I'm a drummer I had no problems with this, but everyone who's listened to it has mentioned something about that... Oops. I'm glad that I've found this stuff because it has really given me an escape from just the Army in general. Without music I think I would just run around screaming and punching everybody in the face. Well, maybe not in the face, but it wouldn't be good... Hopefully that doesn't make me sound more crazy than I actually am. I've also made a hobby out of taking pictures of the landscape around here. The countryside here can be beautiful if you manage to get away from the trash and bombs. I'll actually post some of those up and you all can see what I mean. Anyway I hope everyone is enjoying there lives and drinking a few beers for me from time to time. Remember to keep your head up and keep it metal!!! \m/