Hello SG land! I don't know if anybody will read this, but what the heck!! I joined SG for the beautiful women and the community aspect. So I guess I should start participating in the community part. So, since you probably didn't know, I'm a paratrooper in the U.S. Army. I've been in for three years and I only have ONE YEAR left before I can be a real boy again!!! I'm very excited about this!!! Unfortunately I'll be spending my last year in Afghanistan... sadface :( This will be my second time in Afghanistan and I sure as shit do not want to go back. But, I'm going to stop before this turns into a whole political rant that would probably get me in trouble. After all, the NSA is watching. But anywho, I have been doing some prep work to get ready for Afghaniland. From paperwork to packing to getting physically ready. So this blog is a quick update on that. Paperwork is boring, packing sucks, but I love working out!! I get to just listen to some sweet Metal \m/ and focus my mind and body for an hour and a half. It's the best!! So my goal was to get over 200 pounds before I left. Well I'm leaving soon and I weighed in at 212 pounds today. Some of that is good weight and some of that is not so good (I love beer and pizza too much) weight. But at least I reached my goal. Now that I'm eating healthy again and about to be walking across mountains I should definitely slim down. I'm shooting for like 195... We'll see how that goes. I'm going to try and keep up with the site whilst I am dodging bombs overseas. I'd like to be able to talk about over things that are important in my life. So don't worry, this isn't going to be some unofficial US Army blog. In fact I will try not to mention it much at all, because I'm just ready to be done with it. One thing I'd really like to do on here is start putting up vocal covers. I love music and would love a new outlet for it. I play the drums, I played the trumpet for 12 years, and I'm considering learning guitar. But singing is my next goal! So if anyone has any tips on how to record vocal tracks on to a computer, feel free to drop a player some hints! Stay up Party People and always keep it Metal!! \m/ Fuck Yeah!!