Wow! So I have thought about this all week...just trying to think of something from my past so bad I would want to change it. And we'll honestly I couldn't think of anything and maybe I'm about to get cliché with ya!
So basically I thought really far into this question I picked my brain...maybe a past relationship? I've always had long term serious relationships and sometimes they got bad...lies cheats control freaks....but after the break up I've became friends with each and I really appreciate each lesson I learned from would I know what to recognize in a future partner had it not have been for them?
Maybe a job?....well considering I haven't found my career yet. I've only had little serving jobs and the retail job I currently have. And after walking out of a few restaurants I finally realized a job that pays me $2.13 is not worth my sanity or happiness. Had I of not left these jobs I would have never found my current.
So in reality I guess I could only say there are things I wish I had handled differently. And ultimately I would really like to go back and redo high school try harder to have made better grades. You're always told to enjoy it while it lasts and man after graduating and working to live and going to school it's missed. I I realized how much better I could have done it I had the right focus. But I get by. I'm terrified if I changed something from the past it would change something from the future and present. I mean...." For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction"
And that is my blog home work sorry for strolling off...I really racked my brains on this one! Thanks for the awesome topic.
Xoxo 💋💋