Doing jager bombs all night long will not only result in a really bad hangover but also the lovely inability to sleep at all - even after SEVERAL orgasms.
Currently working at a brand new club and loving it. Last night was hi-fuckin-larious (thanks in part to the yummy bombs), the owner asked me to do the last part of my set on the freakin' bar and I didn't even make an ass of myself, GO ME! I was even let go early so that I could make it to last call at the bar down the road but the bouncer wouldn't even let me in after racing down there so I told him that if I could kill one person with my mind it would be him. Damn you juicehead!!!!!
Heading to Montreal tonight after my shift, woohoo! Gonna sleep all the way there and then hit the skin clubs (as a patron) the minute I get there. I figure it is good karma to reinvest into my industry.
Hope everyone is having at least half the fun that I am!
Miss you all!
Doing jager bombs all night long will not only result in a really bad hangover but also the lovely inability to sleep at all - even after SEVERAL orgasms.
Currently working at a brand new club and loving it. Last night was hi-fuckin-larious (thanks in part to the yummy bombs), the owner asked me to do the last part of my set on the freakin' bar and I didn't even make an ass of myself, GO ME! I was even let go early so that I could make it to last call at the bar down the road but the bouncer wouldn't even let me in after racing down there so I told him that if I could kill one person with my mind it would be him. Damn you juicehead!!!!!
Heading to Montreal tonight after my shift, woohoo! Gonna sleep all the way there and then hit the skin clubs (as a patron) the minute I get there. I figure it is good karma to reinvest into my industry.
Hope everyone is having at least half the fun that I am!
Miss you all!
I miss you!