Another stoned entry (i.e. I take no responsibility for the following mish mash of ideas that is sure to follow)
I'm officially settled back home, as long as you consider crashing in one of two sister's beds in a new commune settled. That being said, I got a new cell phone, apartment, and bike today (complete with a wicker basket). I win!
I'm homesick now that I'm back (if that makes any sense) because I can't believe I left my friends for that much time. I'm convinced that they are the most badass friends any girl could ever hope for!
My roommate knew that I went to go get a massage (along with my strange sense of humor, I also inherited my mom's bum back), so she drew me a bath that was ready the minute I walked in complete with mood lighting (accomplished by tying a scarf around the bulb (clearly not safe but super adorable nonetheless)) and a floating bowl filled with fresh flowers and fruit).
Some other highlights of my temporary living accommodations:
Topless yoga in the diningroom
Living with four other AMAZING chefs
Our new Spanish male roommate
Tea always being offered
Living in the North End (considered the "bad" (a.k.a. artsy) part of town) you can walk to the store in dirty pajamas
Some random pictures of my time away:
My friend's Leslie's and I's travel companions
Me lounging
Me picking a winner!
Lots more pictures to come as son as I figure out how to get them on the computer via my new camera.
Love you all (love you more Mneylu)
I'm officially settled back home, as long as you consider crashing in one of two sister's beds in a new commune settled. That being said, I got a new cell phone, apartment, and bike today (complete with a wicker basket). I win!
I'm homesick now that I'm back (if that makes any sense) because I can't believe I left my friends for that much time. I'm convinced that they are the most badass friends any girl could ever hope for!
My roommate knew that I went to go get a massage (along with my strange sense of humor, I also inherited my mom's bum back), so she drew me a bath that was ready the minute I walked in complete with mood lighting (accomplished by tying a scarf around the bulb (clearly not safe but super adorable nonetheless)) and a floating bowl filled with fresh flowers and fruit).
Some other highlights of my temporary living accommodations:
Topless yoga in the diningroom
Living with four other AMAZING chefs
Our new Spanish male roommate
Tea always being offered
Living in the North End (considered the "bad" (a.k.a. artsy) part of town) you can walk to the store in dirty pajamas
Some random pictures of my time away:

My friend's Leslie's and I's travel companions

Me lounging

Me picking a winner!
Lots more pictures to come as son as I figure out how to get them on the computer via my new camera.
Love you all (love you more Mneylu)

Wow! You do have a nice ass!!!
Glad you had a great time in Guam