Hi-fuckin-hilarious, here is what I blogged 12 hours ago after a very long night:
"okay, i'm really stoned but if some chick named wilby or is named otherwise (remember I'm really stoned) remembers my name (we met at Reflections tonight) message me goddamint!...oh if my priest could see me now muhahahahahah...can't wait to read this tommorrow!"
That run on sentence took me what felt like an eternity to write, my eyes got so dry that they hurt so I had to leave some cutie I was working on at the bar (different from the mystery lady above) and come home to take them out which made typing even that much more difficult. Wanna hear something uber-nerdy? Even when I blog stoned, I still go back and spell check my sentences but I clearly missed the "goddamint" part! Although my childhood priest (I was an altar brat) wouldn't be impressed, I'm sure my english teacher would.
Anyways.....Here are the details of the mystery woman...some strange girl came up to me last night at the bar and initiated a convo in the women's washroom...she was going on and on about the corset I was wearing, then out of nowhere blurted "I'm a suicide girl", and then I was oh, what's your name on the site, I'm sure she said wilby but alas no such SG under that title.
So here are the possibilities:
A) She lied trying to impress me
B) I was too stoned to remember her name correctly
Anyways, I was hoping if she wasn't full of shit and was more sober than I, she would come looking for me and the cryptic post would make sense to her. So there is the story!
"okay, i'm really stoned but if some chick named wilby or is named otherwise (remember I'm really stoned) remembers my name (we met at Reflections tonight) message me goddamint!...oh if my priest could see me now muhahahahahah...can't wait to read this tommorrow!"
That run on sentence took me what felt like an eternity to write, my eyes got so dry that they hurt so I had to leave some cutie I was working on at the bar (different from the mystery lady above) and come home to take them out which made typing even that much more difficult. Wanna hear something uber-nerdy? Even when I blog stoned, I still go back and spell check my sentences but I clearly missed the "goddamint" part! Although my childhood priest (I was an altar brat) wouldn't be impressed, I'm sure my english teacher would.
Anyways.....Here are the details of the mystery woman...some strange girl came up to me last night at the bar and initiated a convo in the women's washroom...she was going on and on about the corset I was wearing, then out of nowhere blurted "I'm a suicide girl", and then I was oh, what's your name on the site, I'm sure she said wilby but alas no such SG under that title.
So here are the possibilities:
A) She lied trying to impress me
B) I was too stoned to remember her name correctly
Anyways, I was hoping if she wasn't full of shit and was more sober than I, she would come looking for me and the cryptic post would make sense to her. So there is the story!
well it might be mneylu. she's from halifax as well, hope it helps, if not good luck in your search

haha, it's not mneylu, we're already friends and I wasn't that stoned to not recognize her and confuse her for somebody named wilby