Time for a 2013 update.
It seems 2012 was a big year for quite a few of my friends and family. I did get married, as many of you know. I guess that makes 2012 a big year for me, but really the wedding festivities were about two weeks long. The rest of my year was full of work and planning. It was a very busy year to say the least. And I feel like I lost myself in it instead of taking the opportunity to LIVE. This year I plan to focus on regrowth. I want to let go of the past and move on to a new life.
I didn't make any resolutions but I do have plans. This is the year I plan to live happily, eat cleaner, exercise more, and save for the house we plan to move into by 2014. I've been on a fresh food diet lately. I want to only put clean things in my body in hopes of becoming healthier in mind and body. Though I'm honestly unsure I will be giving up a good drink from time to time. I've been doing a great job at minimizing my stress levels and I plan to keep it that way. I have been spoiling myself with facials, bubbly bathes, candle lit massages and other things. Everyone should try and live stress free, it has really helped me just care less about stuff that shouldn't matter or make me get frustrated.
I'm letting go of old friendships that didn't work for me. I am realizing keeping in contact is a two way road and that I cannot be the only one that tries or makes myself available.
We are focusing hard on moving out of California. I know I've been saying it for years but we are finally coming close to a position to work on making this a reality. We are so miserable here in So Cal. Every day it becomes more clear that we have nothing tying us here aside from our jobs. Sure there are some friends and family, but we need to be in a place and environment where we can feel like we can take a chance and set some roots. Neither of us feel at home here.
I have about another year at school left and I am working hard to get on the Deans list.. my GPA is proving worthy. And I am pretty sure I want to use my knowledge to open up my own business somewhere up north. I've given myself a 6 year goal to get started on this.
Anyway. Happy New Year, I hope everyone gets a chance to flip a new page in their book and live up to something that makes them truly happy.
It seems 2012 was a big year for quite a few of my friends and family. I did get married, as many of you know. I guess that makes 2012 a big year for me, but really the wedding festivities were about two weeks long. The rest of my year was full of work and planning. It was a very busy year to say the least. And I feel like I lost myself in it instead of taking the opportunity to LIVE. This year I plan to focus on regrowth. I want to let go of the past and move on to a new life.
I didn't make any resolutions but I do have plans. This is the year I plan to live happily, eat cleaner, exercise more, and save for the house we plan to move into by 2014. I've been on a fresh food diet lately. I want to only put clean things in my body in hopes of becoming healthier in mind and body. Though I'm honestly unsure I will be giving up a good drink from time to time. I've been doing a great job at minimizing my stress levels and I plan to keep it that way. I have been spoiling myself with facials, bubbly bathes, candle lit massages and other things. Everyone should try and live stress free, it has really helped me just care less about stuff that shouldn't matter or make me get frustrated.
I'm letting go of old friendships that didn't work for me. I am realizing keeping in contact is a two way road and that I cannot be the only one that tries or makes myself available.
We are focusing hard on moving out of California. I know I've been saying it for years but we are finally coming close to a position to work on making this a reality. We are so miserable here in So Cal. Every day it becomes more clear that we have nothing tying us here aside from our jobs. Sure there are some friends and family, but we need to be in a place and environment where we can feel like we can take a chance and set some roots. Neither of us feel at home here.
I have about another year at school left and I am working hard to get on the Deans list.. my GPA is proving worthy. And I am pretty sure I want to use my knowledge to open up my own business somewhere up north. I've given myself a 6 year goal to get started on this.
Anyway. Happy New Year, I hope everyone gets a chance to flip a new page in their book and live up to something that makes them truly happy.
I see you set some very good goals for yourself. Congrats on taking your life in a direction you know will make you truly happy. The best of luck with 2013. I hope you achieve everything your heart desires. 

I made a decicion to "be happy" last year. It was hard to change the way I viewed the world. But, I will say, it has made a big difference in my life. I feel more calm now and face challenges much better. Here is to a great 2013.