friday night my back was a bit stiff. i toughed it out.
saturday i woke up in INTENSE pain and it took about 10 minutes to manouever to get out of bed. it hurt.
went physio and he was like whoa were you in a crash. i wasn't.
spent saturday and sunday rolling around in pain with ice on my back. today (monday) off work and going to my physio appt at 10. i am so bored!!!
i've watched every movie ever invented and i bit my lips. mores the whiney
yay its so much less painful than saturday!!!!
saturday i woke up in INTENSE pain and it took about 10 minutes to manouever to get out of bed. it hurt.
went physio and he was like whoa were you in a crash. i wasn't.
spent saturday and sunday rolling around in pain with ice on my back. today (monday) off work and going to my physio appt at 10. i am so bored!!!
i've watched every movie ever invented and i bit my lips. mores the whiney

yay its so much less painful than saturday!!!!