so. f cheated on j with ja and she feels so guilty and of course since i am the person with the most experience in being a dickhead to boyf's she asked for advice. she is doing, well thanks for asking.
haha i went to a party last night (same party as f and ja) and didn't touch any other boys.
haha i woke up and this blue guy was trying to kiss me, and i was like what the hell what a crazy nightmare. turns out he was blue cos of the light from the tv show, he wasn't actually the guy from xmen. then i crawled into f's bed and we discussed things.
i am going to the beach now, that's where justin is. oh i admit it. the only reaosn i didn't touch other boys is cos i don't wanna have freaky oily monkey sex with ppl i have to see again. grr.
i found my sherrifs badge! and boy did i wear it good and NO ONE sang i shot the sherrif at me
i love not working in a pub surrounded by old ppl
haha i went to a party last night (same party as f and ja) and didn't touch any other boys.
haha i woke up and this blue guy was trying to kiss me, and i was like what the hell what a crazy nightmare. turns out he was blue cos of the light from the tv show, he wasn't actually the guy from xmen. then i crawled into f's bed and we discussed things.
i am going to the beach now, that's where justin is. oh i admit it. the only reaosn i didn't touch other boys is cos i don't wanna have freaky oily monkey sex with ppl i have to see again. grr.
i found my sherrifs badge! and boy did i wear it good and NO ONE sang i shot the sherrif at me

Y'know, you seem to lead a pretty complicated life. So many boys and so much drama. I had drama on Friday night, but it wasn't as complicated as yours... but it did see me end up in bed with a girl, but I'm really not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, so I'd rather not talk about it. But I kinda wish she was blue though, cause Mystique from X-Men is really hot.
Enjoy the beach!