dear diary
i got my computer back today
i have a boyfriend
this is not good. i am the most selfish not caring about other people person i know
he was pissed i was doing stuff valentines day with my friends
i just got annoyed. he wasn't pissed, more upset, i didn't care
why do i waste my time?
um, he's perfect except he owns a house and a rental, and i don't like it when i go into something with someone who alraeady has everything. then its their stuff, not ours
i have been asked to go full time at two banks, and i like to think they're fighting over me. they're not.
and i have to stop sleeping with other guys
ps. 410 am.
i kissed someone else
i only want someone when they're unattainable. ie the guy with the gfrd etc
why can't i find a guy that only wants to see me at night for naked ness so i can have a day life and a separate night life
justin is too good for me
he won't have just a casual thing and i won't have a just us thing. pfft, someone is gonna be pissed off with stuff, it may as well not be me
i got my computer back today

i have a boyfriend
this is not good. i am the most selfish not caring about other people person i know
he was pissed i was doing stuff valentines day with my friends
i just got annoyed. he wasn't pissed, more upset, i didn't care
why do i waste my time?
um, he's perfect except he owns a house and a rental, and i don't like it when i go into something with someone who alraeady has everything. then its their stuff, not ours
i have been asked to go full time at two banks, and i like to think they're fighting over me. they're not.
and i have to stop sleeping with other guys

ps. 410 am.
i kissed someone else
i only want someone when they're unattainable. ie the guy with the gfrd etc
why can't i find a guy that only wants to see me at night for naked ness so i can have a day life and a separate night life
justin is too good for me

good luck with your stuffs. it all sounds very confusing and not much fun between the fun stuff.