i work for a bank
i play beach volley ball
i go to a body balance class
i will soon be learning another language on tuesday night when the course starts
cos now i don't work in a pub and i have time for hobbies and a social life
and i'm dating ppl not just seeing one person. its fun
i bought shoes today and they weren't black
i'm never wearing top to toe black again like you do as uniform in a pub
i have to go now cos i'm going hiking cos it doesn't matter if i'm absolutely fucked saturday night and wanna go home and sleep cos i don't work in a pub anymore so i can do stuff during the day that will knock me out

i play beach volley ball

i go to a body balance class

i will soon be learning another language on tuesday night when the course starts

cos now i don't work in a pub and i have time for hobbies and a social life
and i'm dating ppl not just seeing one person. its fun

i bought shoes today and they weren't black
i'm never wearing top to toe black again like you do as uniform in a pub
i have to go now cos i'm going hiking cos it doesn't matter if i'm absolutely fucked saturday night and wanna go home and sleep cos i don't work in a pub anymore so i can do stuff during the day that will knock me out

i do combat / attack / step and balance.... i'm getting buff!!!!!!!
i love shoes
did you listen to the song? you'd be a fool not to. if you get bored, skip to around the 3:45 mark for an example of the true genius of Mr Greg Dulli.
I was thinking recently I like the idea of working in a bank, but people scare me, so maybe it's not such a good idea. also, do they make you play beach volley ball, or is that something different? cause I don't like beach, volley or ball.
and I wonder why I have trouble meeting people ...
it's true. I really do. wonder, that is.
how are you?