phew. almost finished furnituring. so over it. and my wardrobe isn't even assembled. still I LOVE IKEA!!!
i've been diong nothign but working the last week it's gone so fast and stuff. mostly and stuff. i need to take my nail polish off (its gone all skanky) and i haven't even got around to that! aargh oh well at least the next few weeks aren't as crazy. hehe don't try rearrange the whole house when you're working two jobs and can't assemble furniture yourself when your helpre is your dad who can only help afternoons, which is when i work.
black betty's tonight!!! or mustang bar. yay for fridays if only they signalled the end of my working week. yay for sunday and it currently being 54 hours away from the end of my working week. oh happy sigh
i've been diong nothign but working the last week it's gone so fast and stuff. mostly and stuff. i need to take my nail polish off (its gone all skanky) and i haven't even got around to that! aargh oh well at least the next few weeks aren't as crazy. hehe don't try rearrange the whole house when you're working two jobs and can't assemble furniture yourself when your helpre is your dad who can only help afternoons, which is when i work.
black betty's tonight!!! or mustang bar. yay for fridays if only they signalled the end of my working week. yay for sunday and it currently being 54 hours away from the end of my working week. oh happy sigh
im so glad IKEA is a 50 minute drive from me or i'd be there all the time

moohaha all my time is taken up with chores! off to buy chicken feed. and then more beach. beach is so good for new piercings. oh i love the word superfun.