okies did my beach thingy again. not chasing a hat juts swimming and ahh bliss. well, sandy fun anyway. wednesday: decided i wanted a new desk.
thurs: went and bought new loft bed with desk under, spinnig cupboard, spinning mirror with cupboard on back, new futon (hard to find. remember when they were the cool thing sold anywhere? oh for those days) and new cupboard. damn ikea!!! thurs night after work, cleaned room.
Fri: cleaned room then work
sat: cleaned room FURNITURE DELIVERED!!! made plans for sat night. didn't finish assembling furniture til just before 11pm. cancelled plans cos TIRED
sun: beach. then workies at 5.
monday: futon gets delivered
rest of ever : spend no money cos i have none left. seriously none my nextt two paychecks are to pay this off and pay bills and i get paid fortnightly so:
four weeks of pay = a new room. and who said i sucked at maths!
thurs: went and bought new loft bed with desk under, spinnig cupboard, spinning mirror with cupboard on back, new futon (hard to find. remember when they were the cool thing sold anywhere? oh for those days) and new cupboard. damn ikea!!! thurs night after work, cleaned room.
Fri: cleaned room then work
sat: cleaned room FURNITURE DELIVERED!!! made plans for sat night. didn't finish assembling furniture til just before 11pm. cancelled plans cos TIRED
sun: beach. then workies at 5.
monday: futon gets delivered
rest of ever : spend no money cos i have none left. seriously none my nextt two paychecks are to pay this off and pay bills and i get paid fortnightly so:
four weeks of pay = a new room. and who said i sucked at maths!