Elyse came to visit me and beyond getting to run about town at all hours and stay out late; we went on a girl's day out, complete with a stop at Inkredible Ink.
Her friend Kat came down to work for Disney (like we all did) as a college program kid, and the last words her mother said to her were "No tattoos and no more piercings."
Hah. My newest additions (the tattoos) are in my photo section.
Her friend Kat came down to work for Disney (like we all did) as a college program kid, and the last words her mother said to her were "No tattoos and no more piercings."
Hah. My newest additions (the tattoos) are in my photo section.

It was fun. That was all. I went down there just to be with my girlfriend and didn't care about money or really any thing else. And I always figured that if I ever move down to florida I can at least get another job cause I did like the job a lot. I just wish I could have made more money.

Oh yeah. You see my hair in my pic? Of course it had to be cut. So I am in the regrowing process now. But since I don't have a girlfriend I am getting dreads!