But, now they're over and I'm back in action. I swear. Here's hoping everyone made it through with at least some sanity like I did.
Christmas (and the weeks leading up to it, since I've been absent so long) sucked, and can be summarized in workworkworkworkretailsucksworkworkworkworktherestaurantwastoobusy workworkwork. And then I got the flu, and thus slept all of Christmas day and most of the day after.
Did not get a car, now finding a way to pay for one - is the offer for Jimmy still open??
Also did not get a corset, but got plenty of Hot Topic gift cards (thank you family for encouraging my style) to make up for it. Also got the Illustrated DaVinci Code, which is still feeding my art buff side. If you haven't read it, you must.
The Holidays in Orlando were made even more interesting by Disney. The little girl in me absolutely loved getting to use my company ID to get into all the parks and see the Disney Christmas trees, holidays around the world at Epcot, the Osbourne Spectacle of Lights and all these other fanatical Disney things that I never got to see when I was younger. I'll also freely admit that Disney used mostly realistic snow machines in their parks, and I cried cause I miss the snow that much.
New Year's wasn't New Year's without Dick Clark, and I'm really upset that he wasn't feeling well enough to ring in the new year. Thankfully, the restaurant was super busy and I was stuck at work until 1145, making it home just in time to pop some champagne with the guys and then invariably go to bed early.
Now that everything's calming down, things are going really well. I keep running into old friends around property and seeing more kids who've stayed down in Orlando without my knowing it. More so than that, I've even got extra money to spend, or most likely start to save, but things are looking up so far.
How's everyone else - I'm only just now getting around to catching up on journals!!!
But, now they're over and I'm back in action. I swear. Here's hoping everyone made it through with at least some sanity like I did.
Christmas (and the weeks leading up to it, since I've been absent so long) sucked, and can be summarized in workworkworkworkretailsucksworkworkworkworktherestaurantwastoobusy workworkwork. And then I got the flu, and thus slept all of Christmas day and most of the day after.
Did not get a car, now finding a way to pay for one - is the offer for Jimmy still open??

The Holidays in Orlando were made even more interesting by Disney. The little girl in me absolutely loved getting to use my company ID to get into all the parks and see the Disney Christmas trees, holidays around the world at Epcot, the Osbourne Spectacle of Lights and all these other fanatical Disney things that I never got to see when I was younger. I'll also freely admit that Disney used mostly realistic snow machines in their parks, and I cried cause I miss the snow that much.
New Year's wasn't New Year's without Dick Clark, and I'm really upset that he wasn't feeling well enough to ring in the new year. Thankfully, the restaurant was super busy and I was stuck at work until 1145, making it home just in time to pop some champagne with the guys and then invariably go to bed early.
Now that everything's calming down, things are going really well. I keep running into old friends around property and seeing more kids who've stayed down in Orlando without my knowing it. More so than that, I've even got extra money to spend, or most likely start to save, but things are looking up so far.
How's everyone else - I'm only just now getting around to catching up on journals!!!
Mine were ok ... Christmas was low key ... but New Years was amazing.
Hope all is well