You know how they say love makes you do crazy things?

Yeah, so Andrew overslept the alarm (that in his defense did NOT go off), so I called his manager and took the fall for it by saying that I had turned it off in my sleep.

Now, he loses his commission and hopefully Joe can separate (sp?) work and play and not hate me....
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I got bored and you came up as a match for me on that messed up dating profile thing that creeps me out but I figured I'd drop you a line anyway since you seemed pretty cool.

Outback is so amazingly tasty. I could go for a Loaded Jacket Potato right now and some nice hot bread lol.
I could cream myself right now.

Stainboy is finally getting to print up the poster he made for the site. Find photos of it under the news and disinformation section.

''I could cream myself right now.''

wink tongue
Ha! Sorry, I say that all the time. Lol. How have you been, sweetie? biggrin
End of the month, did everyone pay the bills? Damn short month.

Let's see, lots has been going on. Valentine's Day was awesome - the mall, Universal, mini-golf, and an excellent steak dinner at someplace better than Outback.

Now for the big news: I may no longer be a Floridian. After VDay, a neighbor of mine in VA passed away and I headed home for...
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So it's been a busy week around here, and I'm not seeing it end anytime soon. I hate that feeling.

Katie came and we had a good weekend together. PI on Thursday, Disney parks all weekend, and some shopping time on Sunday. She's coming back in two weeks; and I'm jealous too - she gets to go to New Orleans in the meantime.

Work is...
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Happy belated v-day sweetie!!!! kiss
Aww! You guys are awesome, I loved all the birthday wishes.

I went out as said and splurged a little bit. Got just a couple of small things, but mainly just enjoyed the day off.

You know you have the right friends when you all end up at the same store, at the same time, without ever arranging anything. And that made me happy.

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Hey there, laziness is only properly enabled with Netflix, as there is a distribution point in Orlando - so they get here really fast! Great Profile; what steakhouse do you work at? Like the blue set... have you sent anything in to Missy? miao!!
Andrew's dad is here, and it makes me want to crawl into a hole and die. I hate his dad. And he's staying at our TINY apartment with us. GAG. He bought me a wireless card for my PC for my birthday tho, so it's not too bad. Maybe I can start looking at going back to school soon now....

Finally finding a way to...
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happy happy birthday sweetie
happy b day
Elyse came to visit me and beyond getting to run about town at all hours and stay out late; we went on a girl's day out, complete with a stop at Inkredible Ink.

Her friend Kat came down to work for Disney (like we all did) as a college program kid, and the last words her mother said to her were "No tattoos and no...
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It was fun. That was all. I went down there just to be with my girlfriend and didn't care about money or really any thing else. And I always figured that if I ever move down to florida I can at least get another job cause I did like the job a lot. I just wish I could have made more money.
Oh yeah. You see my hair in my pic? Of course it had to be cut. So I am in the regrowing process now. But since I don't have a girlfriend I am getting dreads!
I am officially an Outback Take Away server. Kick Ass. My first night off training and I made 60 bucks - not bad.

The "girls" aren't doing too badly - most of the gross healing is over (sorry to be so graphic) so hopefully I'll be getting more photos done soon.

In addition to all that, my old roomies at college may try to sue...
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Eww. I hope things work between you and your roomies.

Great hearing about the new job ... hope you make some kick ass tips

Hope all is well. smile

[Edited on Jan 17, 2005 5:33AM]

But, now they're over and I'm back in action. I swear. Here's hoping everyone made it through with at least some sanity like I did.

Christmas (and the weeks leading up to it, since I've been absent so long) sucked, and can be summarized in workworkworkworkretailsucksworkworkworkworktherestaurantwastoobusy workworkwork. And then I got the flu, and thus slept all of Christmas day...
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Hey Cutie .... Hope you're holidays were good smile

Mine were ok ... Christmas was low key ... but New Years was amazing.

Hope all is well kiss kiss
Working all the times, but it'll be worth it when Christmas comes and everyone loves their gifts. I also get to be uber-domestic soon and do Christmas baking! This is exciting - such a wonderful time of year for family and togetherness - even if friends are your family this year.

Things I want for Christmas, that I may or may not get:
- A...
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A car would be cool. Kind of hard to get that under a tree, but i'm sure if someone is creative they could make it happen smile

I am kind of ready for Chrismast this year. I think I will be when the big day comes.

Things I have been wishing for:
-A new reciever .
-A new television
-A mini DV camcorder.

Well I hope I get what I want, and I also hope you get what you are wanting smile
You can have my Jimmy.. I don't need it anymore...


Oh I forgot a christmas list:

+ A Crappy accoustic guitar that I can strap on my back and take anywhere without worry

+ Eight Maids a milkin'

+ Headshots :\

[Edited on Dec 23, 2004 1:57PM]
Ok, Ok, I'm back - kinda. It's been a busy couple of weeks.,

There was a huge fight that almost made my roomies and I break the lease cause no one could agree on a good way to live. Now, we're being civil, even friendly, but there's a long way to go.

The Outback is sucking major ass. I hate that place with a passion,...
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Sorry to hear about the fight. That doesnt sound like a fun situation to be in.

Also sorry to hear about The Outback. Jobs are really starting to wear on me. I cant wait for the day I get to do something I actually want to do.

However congrats on the leather thing. I know I would love a hot red head working with leather smile

I hope you got some good shopping done. Remember dont spend to much money on me blush
Good to hear from you again. And good to hear that things with the roomies have more or less calmed down.

I can totally understand the job thing. I'm in the same situation right now ... but I only have a few weeks to find something new.

D'ya know those times where you splurge on yourself and then forget you have bills to pay? Welcome to my last 4 days.

My best friend from high school, the girl who is my closest thing to a sister, Katie; came to visit me Wednesday night. Beyond having already gotten my new jacket (photos to come), getting new stuff at the mall (cause Express was...
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Bills? Oh bills yeah I guess I do have some of those. Crap! smile

One tradition that my family has is that we all watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation on Christmas eve. I dont know why but we do, and every year I look forward to waching that movie with the family smile