time to update, went to see "the Watchmen" friday. It was was alright. however it had its faults. nothing big. however my roomate was highly upset about the lack of giant octopus (if you read the original source material you know what i am talking about). however saturday was a mix of good then bad. i rode around and enjoyed the warm weather. i got a reall bad cough later in the day. i thought i was getting sick. then i had to call up a friend to help get rid of a virus on my computer. sunday saw a improvement. i feel better. the coughing has gotten better. Another High note to add. My luminous orange CDs finally came in. I have been looking forward to listening to them for awhile. I have been playing Street fighter 4 on Xbox live. its pretty tough. my win/loss record is about even. I guess thats good. its fun but at the same time frustrating.
i am glad the weather is starting to warm up. makes going places alot more easier. hopefully many new events will come with the new season.
i am glad the weather is starting to warm up. makes going places alot more easier. hopefully many new events will come with the new season.
not sayin they werent nice, just i was expectin bigger. cause you know, that was the focal point of the movie for me of course