I put up some pictures. None of them are really recent. And in case anyone was wondering, my profile picture is NOT me. I can't find a small enough one to fit in there. (Thats what she said?!?!?!)
Still trying to expand my horizons on here. Its hard because i only look at this at work, and i'm definitely not supposed to do that on a military computer. Whatever. beautiful women should never be stopped.
Good news though. I get to go grab my m-16 in about 45 minutes and walk around with it for 4 hours. sweet. Oh yea and i passed the Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure ladder climb today. Harder than i thought, but not too bad. Meg got our taxes done. I'm glad that pain in the ass is over. tomorrow is her 2st birthday. Little does she know i have a full body massage, pedicure, and manicure all set up for tomorrow morning and then afterwords we're going out to dinner with almost 20 of our friends. Hopefully everything works out...