Wow...been away for too long. I quite one job in exchange for the one that i had so many interviews with. I actually have breathing time. I miss hanging out here. I miss taking pictures also. I'm ready to start again. My "virgonian" self absorbed insecurites run my life way too often...
I do really enjoy the company I currently work for...I get to sell...
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I do really enjoy the company I currently work for...I get to sell...
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Hullo, sorry it's been a while, I'm glad that you are doing much better than I am. Anywho, I hope that everything is and will be ok. I am just bored on this rock and life is about the same! bibi sweetness!

*huggles* *grin* Hiya! Hopefully in June!

HI!! just hope everythang is going well! miss 'talking' with you! bye for now cuteness!!!

been missin ya hope everything is ok
Wowsa...I've been working so much the last few weeks that I downloaded my mail and it had not been checked since the 19th of January
What a puss! The last few weeks are pretty much a giant void in the kaleidoscope of this life. There is one good thing about working 160 hours in two weeks...I've lost 9.5 pounds...
It took nearly collapsing and having...
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160 hours in 2 weeks
You don't want to live old, do you?
Fingers crossed for the website thingy

You don't want to live old, do you?
Fingers crossed for the website thingy

wow thats a lot of hours enjoy your days off

Life has been anything but 'usual' as of late. My New Years resolution is to shave my legs once per week. Yeah, like I have time for that sort of thing...ha! Just as soon as I lay back in the bath ...Zzzzzz... I'm asleep and awaken with the biggest crick in the neck, wrinkled toes, and cold water. Between trying be 'me', raise a family,...
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Way back when I was a kid, I'd sleep in the tub sometimes too, except I'd let most of the water drain so as not to drown. Do you have one of 'em tub pillows? Mine acts like a giant sponge that you can't squeeze all the water out of. Then it just stinks...what a waste.
WoW has me by the balls. I find myself loading it up if I have 30 minutes to kill. I hardly ever play video games anymore so this is newish.