So who the hell paid for my membership renewal? My account's been disconnected for about 3 years, and I get an email saying I have a message on here. Nothing said who paid for my account.

I'll play along.
Wow... lucky guy... you don't know who tongue... well... here you are.
Cherry Kisses.
I don't get on here much anymore, but I'm drunk and pissy and want to look at pretty girls. Talking to them is too much work, and I'm sick an tired of it.

On a side note, I think Lucy is my favorite SG of the moment, in photographic terms (and just plain hotness). My buddy Brixton showed this girl's set a while ago, and...
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To those of you who have been made aware of my financial situation, I no longer have anything to worry about. I got a new job and will be making $400 more a month than my old job. This relieves a great deal of stress for me. While money doesn't buy happiness, I think not having to worry so much about it will make me...
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Awesome, a little extra always helps and makes things less stressful smile
hmm yea i hate having to worry about monies... i need to get a better job stat...this office shit 9-5 is killing me
Eff McDonald's, Domino's is giving me full time. I'm getting back to my geek roots. Gonna play some World of Darkness tomorrow with some old friends, and some DnD on Monday with some cool motherfuckers.

Bum Jug '06 is on thursday, let's see if my liver can take it.
Ya, I didn't get the memo on that party frown
But, I guess it's cool 'cause I bypassed the smelly boys smile
Take care

I'm employeed, bitches. Two jobs, 25-30 hours each. One is Domino's, the other is McDonalds. As soon as Dominos give me full time, I'll quit McDonalds, but for now I need whatever I can get.

I also moved in with my parents, and we agreed I could stay untill May if I need to. I think I might take them up on it and just...
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Let's see, I got fired, so I decided to get my first tatoo? Yeah, my mom is going to bitch for hours when she finds out. This is the same woman that won't let me drink a beer in her house, while she drinks her Zima right in front of her kids.

My house is big and empty. My roommates are gone and it's cold....
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I remember the first time I saw you, you were at oak park mall in a Sex Pistols t-shirt. My first thought was 'what kind of girl that age listens to the Sex Pistols?'. That was 3 years ago. I thought you were craziness in a can. I thought 'This kid is nuts, and I love it'. You'd make me listen to the Sex Pistols......
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To clearify, a friend of mine died... i don't get that emo over breakups, ha ha
ok, well with that said....

Sorry for your loss, thats never an easy one to deal with, much harder than a break up!
I slept all day, and it was awesome.

Any noteworthy new year events? I still haven't decided on a place to party. If I can't find one, I might have a party at my place.

Guidance is required.
Yar indeed...

There is a certain freedom associated with letting go of everything. By that I mean not letting the dumb shit bother you.

My job is a prime example of this. I go to work, I sign my name on some things, I make some pizzas, and I get yelled at. That's my job. However, you would be simply amazed at how many people...
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Well, look at it this way. Anyone that torn over getting a damn pizza is prolly some fat lazy fuck who never leaves his couch. And that is the karma that life has brought him.

I never order out for pizza, in fact I don't even remember the last itme I had pizza.
dude. we're doing an SGKC party thing at my apartment on the 27th. You should come.

and when i read that on myspace this morning i laughed for like...5 minutes.
Party at my house Saturday. Come, get crunk with pirates. IM, email, call, or whatever for details.

AIM: foolshatewisdom

well damnit, it is not like I can make it out there that fast. assuming you are still in KS
ahh, I wish I could come, i like me some pirates. another time perhaps.