I'm usually a calm individual, but certain things make me mad and I never have a rant so here goes:

Kieran's Top 5 Pet Peeves

5. When things you like dissappear from shop shelves

I care about what I eat in terms of quality and taste. I don't get a thrill saving 20cent on a tin of tomatoes if the contents taste of nothing much....
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You wha?

Um, let's go with yes.
Yeah it was a laugh and I got my bag back, phew! How are you mister?

My computer is broken... Boots for a minute or two and then bluescreens. Didn't install anything new, it just stopped working overnight which almost certainly means it's hardware related. The dreaded RMA... Usually takes a few weeks to return and get parts replaced and no computer till then. A friend is testing the suspected culprit this weekend (graphics card). I'll jut grab the girl's laptop...
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God I haven't posted anything here in ages. Haven't been on much except for the occasional peep in now and again. My relationship with this site has changed so much since I joined. I'm sure this is true for many people. I rarely look at sets any more and I just pop in to see hope people are doing. I've only a few friends...
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Still broken I'm afraid frown
Yeah we could all go ride the teacups at the fair as a form of worship and make Mrs. Doyle a saint.
Bebeo...ugh. Perhaps my distaste for it is down the to the fact I went though that phase (as you did) a few years back. Everyone is just catching up now.
I've hardly been on my own poor PC since Christmas. Poor dear sits idle all the time. I bought a Macbook for the girl as a Christmas present in a fit of exuberant generousity. My bonus was bigger than I'd been expecting - I mean, I sould have know what it was going to be but I just kinda forgot and so got a nice...
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Haha, that's so cute! She has skillz!!
And of course I've seen Napoleon Dynamite!
Also, Glasgow is horrible. I was unbiased too, that was my first mistake. It's just like Henry Street over and over again. I said that to my boyfriend and he said "Henry Street is nicer, it's more like Talbot Street over and over again". Enough said.
This wouldn't be much of a blog entry were it not for the fact that it was typed entirely by Wiimote on my brand new Wii!!! How exciting is that? smile
Christmas nearly upon us, one and all. Took two days of expeditions into town through crazy traffic, lack of parking and manic crowds to gather presents. My poor girl was reduced to tears more than once by the craziness of it. Couch & quilt cuddilng sessions have been dissapointingly rare, despite my promises to myself. There always seems something to be done. I could do...
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Me either, I just woke up, wooo!
Thank you. You always say things that really make me think, and i don't think i ever fully give you proper credit. You are a gem.

Man might come around, and he might not, if he does well and fine. If not, there'll be other boys. Boys that will understand. Boys that will appreciate me.
I haven't written anything on here in ages, didn't seem to have the time or the inspiration...

I'm mainly doing this so that the picture of my messy study (clean now, thanks smile) can go hide.

Only one full week of work left and then three weeks of Christmas holidays! Yay! Will be sure to raise lying under a quilt on the couch cuddling to...
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Lying under a quilt sounds so good.

Thank you for agreeing about manners being important. I'm sick of rude people, letting me down. I thin ki expect too much. But i only expect what i was raised to do. I don't know at all.

Anyway, 3 weeks, and tehn rest for you, i'm so jealous. I get a small rest. Likem 4 days, and that's only cuz Christmas eve falls at the weekend. Bloody banks.
I'm staring at my new monitor and very big and bright it is too. An "I got promoted" gift to myself.

I'm slightly imtimidated, to be honest shocked It seems to be either too faint or blindingly strong. I'll figure it out, I suppose.

It's Friday afternoon and I want to go into town to buy an anniversary present for my girl. I know exactly what...
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Sweet, what did she get you?
Sorry to hear about your cat.

But congrats on your promotion.

How did the anniversary go? Did she love her present?
Just a quick note to say that I'm still alive. This "no-rudie-piccies-at-work" thing is really inconvenient. LOL.

Life's been hectic the last few weeks. We've been doing loads to the house, we now (after only one year) have carpets on the floors upstairs. Be-golly, it's starting to look like a proper grown-up place. I had gotten so used to concrete that I hardly noticed it...
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I like that shed pic. It's class. DIY scares me.
Oooh, fancy schmancy shed! And yes, I am the queen of kitten videos wink