Hello, Cosmia made me do this...
I'm a bit hungover this morning. Feeling a little sorry for myself even; I hate hangovers. I just have a very strong sense of having poisoned myself, my body seems to hate me. I feel like having a bit of a self-piteous cry, but I can't risk dehydrating myself further. OK, maybe I've taken that train of thought too far, but I do hate feeling crappy
I was at a great comedy gig last night; Stewart Lee with Ian Stone in support. The Arts Festival is on in Galway at the moment. I used to always go to several things, but in the recent past, not so much. Anyhow, I've been a fan of Stew's since "Fist of Fun" in the 90s, which I don't know if a lot of you remember, and I just had to go when I saw that he was on. Ian Stone was excellent funny and got a really good rapport with the audience but Stewart Lee was amazing. My face started to lock up after a while from laughing so much, that's actually true. I was praying that he wouldn't start to notice me looking like Quasimodo having a seizure. It might have effected his performance
Joking aside, he puts real pathos into his performance as well, you feel his vulnerability and frustrations. It makes for something more than just a few funny stories. He's a master at engaging the audience and bringing them wherever he wants them to go. This guy deserves a lot more recognition. I'm putting a video here of one my favourite of his stand-up sketches, just take eight and a half minutes out of your day and enjoy:
I'm a bit hungover this morning. Feeling a little sorry for myself even; I hate hangovers. I just have a very strong sense of having poisoned myself, my body seems to hate me. I feel like having a bit of a self-piteous cry, but I can't risk dehydrating myself further. OK, maybe I've taken that train of thought too far, but I do hate feeling crappy

I was at a great comedy gig last night; Stewart Lee with Ian Stone in support. The Arts Festival is on in Galway at the moment. I used to always go to several things, but in the recent past, not so much. Anyhow, I've been a fan of Stew's since "Fist of Fun" in the 90s, which I don't know if a lot of you remember, and I just had to go when I saw that he was on. Ian Stone was excellent funny and got a really good rapport with the audience but Stewart Lee was amazing. My face started to lock up after a while from laughing so much, that's actually true. I was praying that he wouldn't start to notice me looking like Quasimodo having a seizure. It might have effected his performance

Joking aside, he puts real pathos into his performance as well, you feel his vulnerability and frustrations. It makes for something more than just a few funny stories. He's a master at engaging the audience and bringing them wherever he wants them to go. This guy deserves a lot more recognition. I'm putting a video here of one my favourite of his stand-up sketches, just take eight and a half minutes out of your day and enjoy:
Woohoo! Sorry I didn't read it before, I was avoiding the net til I'd read Harry Potter! I'll check out the vid when Big Brother's over! x