Had fun last Sunday. I went to the pub in the afternoon for a few drinks with some friends to celebrate my birthday. The poor girl didn't go because she'd had food poisioning and didn't feel able to drink. One it got a bit later on we grabbed some delicious take-out food from a really excellent Indian restaurant in the village and three of us, me and a this lovely Scottish couple we're friendly with, headed back to our place. Once we'd scoffed as much naan, rice, paneer, korma, aloo, sag, yum, yum, yum, poppadum as we could manage someone suggested going to visit their new house.
Now let me explain, their house is geographically very close to ours. A few hundred meters, as the crow flies. However to walk it normally, you have to go about four times that distance in a big loop. Well, drink had been taken and so we decided to try to make it "cross-country".
I want you to picture all of the Enid Blyton stories you've ever read. Right, that was the four of us (the girl was able to come too). We were, for a litte while, nine again. Tromping through brambles and thorn bushes, weaving back and forth, up and down countless blind alleys as we tried to navigate a way through.
It took us an hour, at least, to cross the field. It was hilarious fun. I'm all for adults keeping hold of their ability to tap into that child-like ability to play, and this was that in spades. In the end though, we just couldn't get through to the other side. We had taken so long to come as far as we did and now two meters of chest-high brambles, at the thinnest part, kept us from getting through.
There was only one thing to do, I channeled my inner bullock and manfully ploughed through making a path for everyone else. It must have taken amost 10 mins, but we made it panting and laughing to the other side.
Best birthday in ages. Seriously.
Those however who have followed my cavailer disregard for the integrity of my poor body will be dismayed to hear that when I climbed into bed that night I was much amused to see that I my legs were scratched from ankle to crotch in a fashion I can only describe as "disturbingly spectacular".
I can only thank the gods that I am a quick healer, even that savage burn I got before Malta has moderated into an interesting looking stain but it's quite smooth and unscared...
(On that earlier entry, in case anyone read it. It was just a silly insecure moment, honest but stupid. I needed to blow off a little steam, nothing more.)
Now let me explain, their house is geographically very close to ours. A few hundred meters, as the crow flies. However to walk it normally, you have to go about four times that distance in a big loop. Well, drink had been taken and so we decided to try to make it "cross-country".
I want you to picture all of the Enid Blyton stories you've ever read. Right, that was the four of us (the girl was able to come too). We were, for a litte while, nine again. Tromping through brambles and thorn bushes, weaving back and forth, up and down countless blind alleys as we tried to navigate a way through.
It took us an hour, at least, to cross the field. It was hilarious fun. I'm all for adults keeping hold of their ability to tap into that child-like ability to play, and this was that in spades. In the end though, we just couldn't get through to the other side. We had taken so long to come as far as we did and now two meters of chest-high brambles, at the thinnest part, kept us from getting through.
There was only one thing to do, I channeled my inner bullock and manfully ploughed through making a path for everyone else. It must have taken amost 10 mins, but we made it panting and laughing to the other side.
Best birthday in ages. Seriously.
Those however who have followed my cavailer disregard for the integrity of my poor body will be dismayed to hear that when I climbed into bed that night I was much amused to see that I my legs were scratched from ankle to crotch in a fashion I can only describe as "disturbingly spectacular".

(On that earlier entry, in case anyone read it. It was just a silly insecure moment, honest but stupid. I needed to blow off a little steam, nothing more.)
I hope my crapness at replying hasn't offended you, I've been so down recently that I haven't able to muster the effort to come up with something to say. Sad eh?