I'm ditching my last blog entry. It's sad when no one comments on an entry. Oh, you try to be adult about it, and goodness knows, I'm pushing "middle-aged" (sweet fuck...
), but there's a little needy part in us all and social networking sites can bring it out. And who wants to look at needy? No one, that's who. So, clean slate 
Just in case you did read the last one, I gotta say (cos I'm proud of myself) that the plan is going well and I'm sticking to it. Go me!
I have a birthday in under two weeks. 37 is a kinda freaky age. It's three from forty and you're in your thirties and that means that you're 10% from forty and that means that 90% of your life is over. OK, the maths are flawed but the psychology is sound
Certain ages are always terrifing. As I remember, 29 was a lot worse than 30. The fear of being thirty was worse than actually being thirty which sorta felt grown-up and cool.
It would be nice to have a plan for the birthday weekend, it's a bank holiday after all. The girl's been suggesting going to Cork to go to Cafe Paradiso. It's weird, what with Galway having a reputation for being arty-farty liberal vegetarian (not my own description
) and all, but there isn't a purely vegetarian restaurant in this town that I'm aware of. I've only been to Cork twice actually, so just barely. Perhaps it's time for a little trip. Always good to have something to look forward to.

Just in case you did read the last one, I gotta say (cos I'm proud of myself) that the plan is going well and I'm sticking to it. Go me!

I have a birthday in under two weeks. 37 is a kinda freaky age. It's three from forty and you're in your thirties and that means that you're 10% from forty and that means that 90% of your life is over. OK, the maths are flawed but the psychology is sound

It would be nice to have a plan for the birthday weekend, it's a bank holiday after all. The girl's been suggesting going to Cork to go to Cafe Paradiso. It's weird, what with Galway having a reputation for being arty-farty liberal vegetarian (not my own description

don't bleedin' worry about being 'middle aged'. i know i am speaking for more than a few of us girls in our early 20s when i say that middle age is hot. shhh keep it a secret though. if all the middle aged men find out they'll start taking advantage.
pfff... i've been going in the wrong direction since birth. no need to remind me! it was eerily sunny this morning though, which was nice, as i was stuck in the office all day.